Parade Partners
Partner with Builders on Parade
The Parade Partners Program from the Builders Association of the Blue Ridge Mountains offers a unique opportunity for Associate Members to market their company’s products and services directly to the builders participating in the annual WNC Parade of Homes. This program also helps parade partners reach the thousands of consumers who attend the annual event in person and tour the homes virtually throughout the year.
Parade Partners
Savings for Builders Participating in the WNC Parade of Homes
Atelier Maison & Co.
Register your clients in our Builder Partner Program and get 5% cashback. If it’s in the Parade of Homes, you get an additional 5% cashback or 5% off.
Contact: Mitchell Metz
Christie’s Lighting Gallery
25% off Lighting used in Parade homes.
Kensley Hendrix
FLoor Coverings International
$100 off every $1000 spent on materials with an exclusive commitment to utilizing FCI team within your future Parade Home for your flooring needs.The first 5 homes to partner with FCI, will get up to $1000 towards your Parade of Homes Entry. Offer for 2024 & 2025 WNC Parades.
Green Built Alliance
20% discount for Green Built Homes Registration in 2024. Discount is only available to homes that register before Oct 1 and market the Green Built Homes program in the literature, and on site during the Parade.
Danny Harvey
Gennett Lumber
Special Contractor/ Builder Pricing for 2024 & 2025 Parade Homes participants.
Karen Shull
Hannah Shull
HomeSource Design Center
10% off anything purchased through Design Center for 2024 Parade Home.
Bonnie Hester
Silver Fox Gallery
25% off on purchase for Parade of Homes projects
Kensley Hendrix
Southeastern Tile
$100 off every $1,000 spent in addition to your standard builder discount.
Leland Decker
Benefits of Becoming a Parade Partner
Parade Partner program participants receive special benefits, including:

- Inclusion in Parade Partner promotions to all builders from January to May.
- Year-round online listing on the WNC Parade of Home website that includes a discount offer, your company logo, and contact info.
- Logo inclusion in the Partner Sponsors ad in 2024 Parade Magazine.
- Two opportunities to present to builders during the WNC Parade of Homes information sessions in the Spring. (Dates TBD)
- Your company logo will be included on at least three Parade Partner social media pushes.
- Opportunity for a Spotlight on BABRM’s social media channels about Parade Partner offer or discount.
But wait! There are even more benefits to participating in the Parade Partners Program!
- Get featured and tagged in the parade home’s Matterport virtual tour, which gets thousands of views.
- Receive recognition on signage display in the home during the parade.
- Receive branded inclusion in promotional emails for the Parade of Homes.
- Negotiate other parade opportunities with builders.
- Get 20% off on advertisement purchases in the WNC Parade of Homes.
- (Optional) Receive designed promotional materials and consultation for your Parade Partner offering.
- (Optional) Help a builder staff their parade entry over the parade weekend and enjoy direct exposure to new prospects and clients.

How it Works
Parade Partners offer a published discount or special offer on a product or service to builders that they may use in their Parade of Homes entry or entries.

- The discount or special offer, along with the names of the Parade Partners, will be promoted directly to BABRM’s builder membership until May prior to the Parade of Homes in October.
- The discount or special offer will be published online for consumers and participating Parade of Homes builders until September prior to the Parade of Homes in October.
- The published listing will include the Parade Partner’s company logo, contact information, and a discount or special offer description.
- Parade Partners may offer a published discount and a special offer to parade builders.
Become a Parade Partner Today
Becoming a Parade Partner is an affordable way to leverage the BABRM builder membership to gain visibility for your company, your products, and your services. This year, you can save $100 by making a two-year commitment to the WNC Parade of Homes.
- One-year investment in the 2024 Parade of Homes: $450
- Two-year investment in the 2024 and 2025 Parades of Homes: $800
Lock in your Parade Partner status by completing the form below. BABRM will send an invoice to you. If you have questions or want more information, please contact Bonnie at the BABRM office at 828-299-7001.
For More Information
If you have additional questions, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information. For questions about accessibility during in-person tour, please contact BABRM at (828) 299-7001.